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Running through the T framed with coin

Tyler Watts. Plucky and gritty. This is a player whom Coach Bryant would have deemed truly worthy to wear the crimson and white football uniform. Coincidentally, both played against Tennessee with broken bones.  Bryant's was in his leg and Watts' in his foot. We get a good snapshot of Tyler's heart from his post-game interview:  My foot hurt so bad, but I was bound and determined that I was going to play as long as I could.  Until I either made it through the game or until the thing broke, who cares.

The print itself measures 10" x 10" and the frame measures 16" x 17" overall.  The frame is a beautiful cherry wood frame.  Includes a v- groove cut into the mat as well as a bronze coin.  Double matted in the colors shown above.  The print is professionally framed with a dust cover and gold hanger on the back so it's ready to hang on the wall. 

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